
HTML CSS Bootstrap

Combine with Web101 Web101 builds webpages from scratch, but lacking the efficiency and standardization. Web102 builds webpages by framework, but lacks the flexibility and customization. Combining Web101 and Web102 brings together flexibility and efficiency, customization and standardization.
PRACTICAL If you're interested in practical programming and seeking future employment or internships, this course teaches you most popular technologies in real life front-end development.
COMPLEX LAYOUTS Modern web applications have complex layouts. It is hard to do with plain CSS. So we need Flexbox and Grid.
STANDARDIZED Learn Bootstrap front-end framework and other technologies such as SVG and parallax effect, for rapid and standardized web development.
CORE and FUNDAMENTAL If you wish to build a full-stack website, this course serves as a foundation for courses such as Web301 dynamic web pages and server programming.

$520 ($26 per hour)

20 hours (10 classes)

Time (TBD)

Dates (TBD)

How to Register


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