
Javascript HTML CSS

JAVASCRIPT: If you like making web games and animations, this course teaches the powerful and wild language Javascript from scratch. JavaScript continues as its eleventh year in a row as the most commonly-used programming language reported in 2023 Stackoverflow Developer Survey.
FRIENDS and FRIENDSHIPS If you wish to have your own games, this course will teach you the <canvas> element which is the most popular tool for making web games, that you can share and play with your friends.
MULTI-PARADIGM Depending on the problem, programming has different paradigms or styles. In this course, you will learn, compare, and practice three programming paradigms: procedural programming, object-oriented programming, and functional programming.
JOBS or INTERNSHIPS If you're interested in practical programming and seeking future employment or internships, this course prepares you for that. It focuses on the web technologies most in demand for internships and jobs (as per Stackoverflow survey 2023). Therefore, students can apply for jobs in web development, digital advertising, and gaming companies.
DEBUGGING If you enjoy exploring and solving problems, this course will teach you several ways to debug programs.
CORE and FUNDAMENTAL If you wish to build a full-stack website, this course serves as a foundation for courses such as interactive web pages (web202), dynamic web pages and server programming (web301) and Javascript framework (web302). Check Study paths.

$1040 ($26 per hour)

40 hours (20 classes)



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How to Register


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