

USER INTERFACE If you like user interfaces, this course teaches you how to code user interfaces from scratch. While coding, students learn how to write workable code, readable code and simple code.
PRACTICAL If you're interested in practical programming and seeking future employment or internships, this course prepares you for that. It focuses on the web technologies most needed for internships and jobs (as per Stackoverflow survey 2023), which are also crucial for future user interfaces.
PROBLEM SOLVER If you enjoy exploring and solving problems, this course will teach you how to find and debug issues in web pages.
PERSONAL WEBSITE If you wish to have your own personalized website, this course will show you how to create and deploy your web page to a public server, making it visible to everyone. You can use it to showcase yourself, such as when applying to universities, or looking for jobs and internships.
CORE and FUNDAMENTAL If you like game development course Web201, this course is the foundation for Web201. If you wish to build a full-stack website, this course serves as a foundation for courses such as interactive web pages Web202, dynamic web pages, and server programming Web301.
GET CERTIFICATE If students create three web pages, including their personal webpage and two pre-designed pages, they will receive a certificate.

$880 ($22 per hour)

40 hours (20 classes)



Feb 3 10 17 24
Mar 2 9 16 23 30
Apr 6 13 20 27
May 4 11 18 25
Jun 1 8 15

How to Register


Send me a message (519) 701-7988

